I find the execution of my daily routine to be anything but that. We all have visions of how our training and, position in our organization, will help us create the best possible work environment. We see ourselves introducing amazing new and improved day to day functionality through sustainability programs and technological advancements. We will be the banner waver for budget saving miracle cures that will make our business community the healthiest, happiest and most fiscally responsible organization possible in our immediate universe. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Then on the day to day side, there’s the e mail or voice mail, “someone spilled coffee all over the conference room floor last night and it hasn’t been cleaned!” “There’s a package that was delivered for me last week and I can’t find it!” or “ Why can’t I get more heat in my room? It’s only 70 degrees!” Ah yes all the happy campers as I call them.
There’s that e-mail the CFO or VP of Operations forwards to you “The FM told me I can’t have the exercise equipment I requested because it’s not in his budget. How can we get around that?”
I’m sure you all get the gist of it. It doesn’t really matter what type of organization we work in, business, education, health industry, retail etcetera. The calls and issues are unique in content, but the same in effect. The FM’s job is to navigate the big important developmental items and projects, hold the budget line as requested, and hold the hands of all the constituents needing assistance. This makes our shiny FM position a little tarnished in our own eyes, but it is part of our profession and we will manage it. The endless tangents, as I call them, create a group dynamic worthy of its own television show, or blog, or stream or whatever new tech is putting out entertainment these days. Hell I could make a very funny feature movie out of my own dynamic institution. Well it would be funny to us anyway…
The point I’m making is we are all in the same profession. Our jobs may include different aspects of the FM position with different areas of expertise needed, but the “group dynamics” are the common thread we all need to manage while we try to develop and improve the overall workplace evolution. I realized my enjoyment comes from solving problems, any problems. I hope and wonder if you all feel the same?
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