After ten years of supporting our chapter including five Executive Committees with multiple personalities, Joanne Gerow decided it was time to retire. Joanne was the friendly face at the registration table for all the meetings and events and was everyone’s go to whether it was a question on the chapter By-Laws, where to get catering for an upcoming meeting, or who took home the IFMA banner. We appreciated her input during Board Meetings. To say that we took her for granted is an understatement. We will miss you Joanne, and hope you will drop by a meeting or event as a valued guest. At the Winter Social this past December, we thanked Joanne for her years of service and several Past Presidents both in attendance and remote, expressed their appreciation to her.

Joanne has been instrumental in the transition to our new administrative support, Hassan Consultants, an association management company providing efficient and cost effective management services to trade and professional associations and societies. We are excited to work with their team and take advantage of what they can share from their experiences working with other associations. We hope that all chapter members and guests will be able to meet them over the next few months as the NJ IFMA schedule of events is growing again post COVID.
IFMA New Jersey is a community of professionals committed to giving back to the profession and industry. With your help, IFMA New Jersey can offer better services and experiences that benefit all members. Join and support our IFMA community today and use your expertise to make a difference.
IFMA New Jersey Chapter
PO Box 10074
Trenton, NJ 08650