On January 26, 2022, from 5 PM to 6:30 PM, 19 ladies from the NJ IFMA Chapter gathered via Zoom for a first ever “Show & Tell”. I must admit, I needed to be talked into this. The idea came from Jackie Lewis, who always has a few suggestions to keep us connected with both social and educational opportunities.
The “Show & Tell” was advertised as a no pressure event – you could have up to 5 minutes to show the group something, or you could choose to just watch and be a good listener. We provided some examples – Grandma’s handwritten recipe, an antique, a good read, a skill, a craft.
The time flew by as we learned two of our participants were award winning dancers, saw some sentimental family treasures, saw a recently finished quilt, and a new engagement ring! We shared some book recommendations, met a few pets, and saw vacation photos. We may be planning a trip to Easter Island. (Not 😊)
While many of us feel zoomed out, all agreed this was time well spent. It was good to connect, see and hear voices that we had not in a while, and express our hopes to meet in person soon. The connections are what is great about the NJ Women in FM group. WFM does not ask NJ IFMA for financial support. The outings are paid for directly by the attendee.
If you are a female NJ IFMA member, you automatically receive the invitations to the outings. Please consider participating when you receive your next invitation.
For more information, to get involved, or to submit an idea, please send us a message and someone will contact you.
IFMA New Jersey is a community of professionals committed to giving back to the profession and industry. With your help, IFMA New Jersey can offer better services and experiences that benefit all members. Join and support our IFMA community today and use your expertise to make a difference.
IFMA New Jersey Chapter
PO Box 10074
Trenton, NJ 08650